midfield duo and full – back among players fonseca intends to evaluate

The media’s current obsession with AC Milan is mostly focused on potential additions, but the team also needs to shed certain players in order to make room for new players.

Cases including Alexis Saelemaekers, Daniel Maldini, Lorenzo Colombo, Fodé Ballo-Touré, and Divock Origi, who will return to Milanello following loan stints and for whom new housing is sought, are discussed in this morning’s edition of Tuttosport (via MilanNews).

But there are also several names on the squad right now that have some doubts about them as well. For instance, Fiorentina and Torino both like Tommaso Pobega, but since he is an academy graduate, he would be beneficial for the UEFA squad list.

Although Paulo Fonseca will assess Yacine Adli during the preseason to determine whether he can complement his tactical style, Adli’s stay is not assured, and Alessandro Florenzi’s future is also up in the air.

Despite having previously worked with the Portuguese coach when at Roma, the defender and the coach never got along, to the point where the full-back requested two loan outs.

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