How eight top analysts see Celtic vs. Rangers playing out, with Simon Jordan calling for a cortege and gloomy Ibrox reality show airing

The Glasgow giants will meet for the 20th time in a Scottish Cup Final with the stage set for the first Old Firm Final for 22 years.

It’s the one match on Earth where the grandiose language can nearly minimise the significance of the stakes when Celtic and Rangers square off.

The stage is set for the first Old Firm extravaganza in 22 years when the Glasgow titans square off in a Scottish Cup Final for the twentieth time. It’s astonishing that both teams have seven victories apiece and five draws. But supporters of the Rangers aren’t feeling parity at the moment. With the wealth of a dominant era visible to all, Celtic are well-positioned to take their enduring rivals on a level playing field in the all-time trophy count.

It’s 12 titles in 13 seasons and Brendan Rodgers and Co are itching to leave Philippe Clement and his Rangers side seeking answers once more but can the Ibrox side flip the script? The stakes are mammoth and the big names have weighed. Record Sport takes the temperature of the A-listers ahead of Saturday’s Final.

Lee McCulloch

The former star of the Rangers remains unfazed and still thinks there’s hope for success. The Walter Smith era mainstay argued in favour of the boys dressed in pale blue. “Anything can happen in a cup final; it’s a one-off hit,” the man stated. Although I believe Celtic has dominated this season’s Old Firm games, if I were in the Rangers dressing room, I would be thinking that this is the ideal opportunity to reverse things. I believe that is the appropriate frame of mind. Due to the format, Celtic will be the favourites. However, Rangers should go past that and continue.

Simon Jordan

The vocal former Crystal Palace owner has expressed his worries about Brendan Rodgers on several occasions, but he is certain Celtic will win. “You would expect so, if this is a show stopping Final, I would be in favour of it, if it’s a show stopping one of Rod Stewart’s concerts,” he stated in an interview with talkSPORT..

Kenny Miller

The Sunday Mail columnist believes that the Rangers should be more concerned with winning than with limiting the club that has recently been their rivals. “It’s the million dollar question, and I’m relieved I don’t have to come up with a plan to stop Celtic,” he remarked. Hatate, O’Riley, McGregor—it has made a difference. especially in the most recent one. Rangers’ problem, in my opinion, is that they are constantly trying to figure out ways to thwart Celtic rather than forcing your style on them. Regretfully, such is the current state of the Rangers. To find a way to win, they might have to try to stop Celtic, make the game a little ugly, and generally mess about. Considering that they haven’t been able to accomplish it this season.”

Paul Lambert

The Celtic hero is cautiously optimistic Celtic will lift the Scottish Cup. Speaking to BBC, he said: “I think Celtic go in favourites. The only thing that will give it an even-balance is the game being at Hampden and you’ve got the 50/50 split in the support. I still think Celtic are playing really well at the minute. The momentum is with them but in a cup final, especially with it being a derby game, anything can happen. Hopefully, hopefully, Celtic can get the win.”

Arthur Numan

The iconic left-back for the Rangers is no stranger to celebrating a championship before Hampden, but he believes Rodgers and Co. will be prepared. “I’m sure Celtic have been celebrating winning the league for probably two days, but they should now be concentrating on the Cup Final,” he remarked. We defeated Dunfermline in the league in 2003, I seem to recall, thanks to goal differential. On Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, we were out having fun. Among our poorest games was the Cup Final against Dundee. I left with a cramp, which was most likely caused by the residual alcohol in my system.

The vocal former Crystal Palace owner has expressed his worries about Brendan Rodgers on several occasions, but he is certain Celtic will win. “You would expect so, if this is a show stopping Final, I would be in favour of it, if it’s a show stopping one of Rod Stewart’s concerts,” he stated in an interview with talkSPORT.

Neil Lennon

Lennon believes that Clement has to respond to all inquiries, saying, “It’s huge for him; they don’t want to end the season with another loss to Celtic.” Given the circumstances, he will need to figure out how to thwart Celtic’s fast starts. The midfield for Celtic has been outstanding. Rangers may not have a player of that calibre. Clement needs to devise a strategy to limit that.”

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