Report: Dan Ashworth’s reputation in tatters are more information coReport: As more details regarding Man United emerge, Dan Ashworth’s reputation is in ruins mes out about Man United move

It’s likely that Manchester United wishes they had paid Newcastle United its compensation sum for Dan Ashworth, their sporting director, earlier.

If everything had been approved earlier, it’s quite unlikely that anyone would have continued to investigate the circumstances behind the transfer; nevertheless, the longer it goes unnoticed, the more details emerge that cast our former sporting director in a very negative light.

Dan Ashworth duplicated his work email from Newcastle United into a message announcing his decision to join Manchester United, according to a claim published in The Daily Mail yesterday. He made a hasty attempt to remove the evidence, but nothing is really removed from the internet.

More details have emerged today as a result of The Mail’s investigation, which reveals Ashworth to be both a Judas and a cunning schemer. (For clarity, our words, not theirs.)It’s likely that Manchester United wishes they had paid Newcastle United its compensation sum for Dan Ashworth, their sporting director, earlier.

If everything had been approved earlier, it’s quite unlikely that anyone would have continued to investigate the circumstances behind the transfer; nevertheless, the longer it goes unnoticed, the more details emerge that cast our former sporting director in a very negative light.

Dan Ashworth duplicated his work email from Newcastle United into a message announcing his decision to join Manchester United, according to a claim published in The Daily Mail yesterday. He made a hasty attempt to remove the evidence, but nothing is really removed from the internet.

More details have emerged today as a result of The Mail’s investigation, which reveals Ashworth to be both a Judas and a cunning schemer. (For clarity, our words, not theirs.)

Ashworth is desperately trying to deflect blame

Dan Ashworth claimed that Eddie Howe’s comments about him made his position untenable.

Those comments being the ones made in February after rumours started gathering pace that Ashworth was set to go to Manchester United. Howe said that it’s a worry that Ashworth could take up a new role with all the knowledge he has of Newcastle’s operations and that he hoped for a quick resolution. Hardly makes his position untenable, if anything it suggests that the club should fight to keep him because he knows too much.

Anyway, the bigger problem here is, those comments were made a week after Ashworth had already agreed on the email to Omar Berrada that he would like to join him at Man United. So he’d already made his mind up before Eddie Howe had said anything.

Dan Ashworth has a paper-thin case for arbitration

As the icing on the cake, Ashworth’s arbitration lawsuit against the club had its foundation disclosed by the Mail.

Ashworth is asserting that he was fired rather than resigned because he was put on gardening leave before giving Darren Eales written notice.

Danny Boy, good luck reasoning that one away after you had long before sent an email indicating your desire to leave before telling your current employer of your plans.

It will be interesting to watch how this one plays out as we would be really reconsidering if we were Manchester United at this moment.

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