Tony Adams has now made a surprising claim about Tottenham

After the Tottenham vs. Arsenal rivalry has dominated headlines for the past week, Tony Adams has now made a claim regarding Spurs.

Speaking on Premier League Productions, Mr. Arsenal gave his assessment of Tottenham’s performance versus Manchester City. Interestingly, he was all praise for his fiercest competitors.

Adams feels compelled to commend Spurs on their performance against City, saying they were outstanding and displayed a high level of professionalism.

Tony Adams gives Tottenham high marks

Adams, for what was perhaps the first time in his life, had nothing but positive things to say about Tottenham.

“It’s a historic team; credit to Tottenham and Arsenal for pushing Man City all the way.” They were amazing the other night, and I’m not even kidding when I say this. They seemed quite professional to me. Seeing Premier League players execute so effectively was truly first-rate, according to Adams.

Tottenham almost performed Arsenal a favor.

Although Tottenham was unable to secure a victory over City on Tuesday, they came dangerously close to overtaking the Premier League leaders.

Fans of both City and Arsenal were left in shock by Heung-Min Son’s late blunder, but the truth is that Spurs came dangerously close to giving Arsenal the opportunity to win the Premier League.

Although Spurs fans may not have desired to win the match on Tuesday, as Adams points out, the team played a highly professional and, in many aspects, excellent game against Man City.

Unfortunately for Spurs and Arsenal, especially at this stage of the season, Man City is just unbeatable, and Spurs’ strong showing was insufficient to stop Pep Guardiola’s winning machine.

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