Rangers rope in successful businessman for major backroom role decision

Rangers have a number of people working behind the scenes to conclude the selection of a new CEO, says Chris Jack.

According to a Rangers Review journalist, George Letham, a well-known personality around Ibrox and an experienced and successful businessman, is spearheading the effort as they work with John Gilligan to find the perfect individual for the role.
Along with Letham, Graeme Park and the other members of the RIFC plc board – Alistair Johnston, Julian Wolhardt, John Halsted, and George Taylor – will all have a voice in the appointment.

Rangers can benefit from George Letham’s business expertise

Having someone like Letham help with decisions is useful because he has a business experience and understands the best ways for a corporation to be profitable.

While football is the major focus of any club, it is hard to field a strong team of players and coaches without appropriate funding.

Letham is not only a wealthy businessman, but he is well-known in and around Rangers, so he is familiar with how the club operates and what its key goals are.

Letham and Gilligan, along with Park and the other board members, will hopefully be able to pick someone capable of laying the groundwork for a strong organization.

For the club to thrive, everything must be well-structured so that the manager and players have the best opportunity of achieving their goals.

Things haven’t been going well for several years, so it’s not surprising that Gers aren’t where they should be.


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