Regulars reminisce about ‘the best pub in Blackburn’ after its sad demise following huge fire
Pete Eastwood has been a regular in the Blackburn pub since it opened in the 1970s until its sad demise last week
Pete Eastwood referred to the demise of The Farthings in Blackburn as “the end of an era” after witnessing the scene
of many a joyful night burn to the ground.
Early on Saturday, September 10, a massive fire broke out in the shuttered Rosewood Avenue tavern, prompting the
dispatch of firefighters and police. The next day, all that was left was a smoking shell after their fruitless attempts to
preserve the once-loved local and the building.
Pete, a music promoter, had some of his first pints in The Farthings – albeit underage – and recalls many a merry
night with some of the regulars. “My once beloved local pub has gone forever, as some bright spark thought it would
be a good idea to burn it down,” he said.
“The Farthings first opened in the 1970s, and after persuading Paul, the landlord at the time, that we were old
enough, it became our local in 1980. Naturally, we weren’t.
“The bar, which was undoubtedly the greatest in Blackburn at the time, was owned and operated by the famous Paul
and Christine for fifteen fantastic years. Adventures and friendships were formed, and the location has undoubtedly
seen its share of personalities throughout the years.
barman with the long nails, and of course remembering Ness, Clack, and Burnsey. From Chicken Sizzlers, to the
Tuesday night Video Nasty Film Club. The French Bistro in the back room, Sunday Night Disco, Monday Night Pub
Quiz, to Hayley’s Corner. We had a blast.
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