Retro: Seventies Sheffield—When shops were on top
Redgates, Cockaynes, Pauldens, and Walsh’s, long-gone department stores in Sheffield, are being honoured once more.
A popular book on Sheffield social history is being relaunched to commemorate the city’s retail domination in the 1970s.
Long lines at Sheffield’s downtown Hodgsons Camera Shop for the sale
Numerous images and recollections from Sheffield’s heyday of retail can be found in Neil Anderson’s Shopaholics
Guide to the 1970s, which is now back in print.
Models at the Sheffield store Neil Anderson’s book Shopaholics Guide to 1970s Sheffield has a mention of Sex Rexy’s.
Development around the New Retail Quarter and multi-million-pound investment on The Moor have sparked
renewed interest in the 1970s and the book.
“It’s encouraging to see Sheffield city centre retail making progress, and it’s safe to say that developers could take a
cue or two from its status in the early 1970s,” Neil Anderson stated.
“Thoughts of Meadowhall would have been laughed off the high street.
In the past, people would come from all over the North of England to shop at some of the largest and greatest
department stores in the United Kingdom.
In 1978, Jackson the Tailor in Fargate
“People on Facebook groups are reminiscing about the shops and Sheffield in the 1970s, and it appears that the book
will become popular once more.”
Priced at £12.95, Shopaholics Guide to 1970s Sheffield is now offered by ACM Retro with free shipping.
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