Horror as woman attacked by world’s largest rodent while swimming in lake
As she was swimming in a lake in Colombia, a South American nation, the capybara charged at her and began to
attack, chewing at her head.
While swimming in a lake, a woman was assaulted by the largest rodent in the world.
In order to alert the capybara to keep away, the young victim raised her finger and moved backwards in the water.
The enormous rodent, however, abruptly lunges for the swimmer.
As if to chew on her head, it leaps on her back. After being repeatedly bitten by the hostile capybara, the woman
screams and tries to flee.
A man suddenly arrives on the bank and grabs a thick stick to use in defence. He helps the woman out of the water as
she sobs into her hand.
According to What’s The Jam, the spooky sequences were shot near Ciénaga, in northern Colombia. A local stated:
“Just because you’ve seen videos of them being calm and cute, it doesn’t take away from the fact that they are still
wild animals.”
“But why would she swim with it?” enquired another. “Aren’t capybaras supposed to be calm and friendly?” Lilith
“How frightening,” Mary wrote. Poor girl, this is not humorous. According to Tia, “She didn’t fight back.”
“Why did it take so long to help her?” asked Nichi. Her face and head were being bitten by the creature. The largest
rodents in the world are capybaras, which are native to South America.
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