Sheffield Wednesday defender on ‘tense’ situation as Championship outfit prepare for derby at Leeds United

Sheffield Wednesday defender on ‘tense’ situation as Championship outfit prepare for derby at Leeds United

Sheffield Di’Shon Bernard, a defender for Wednesday, acknowledges that the team’s players are aware of the “tense”
situation that has surrounded them this week, particularly between chairman Dejphon Chansiri and head coach
Danny Rohl. He hopes that “solutions” will be found to put an end to the crisis.

The current schism between Chansiri and Rohl was revealed in the club’s supporters forum on Wednesday evening.

The Owls owner stated that he has not received a list of January targets from the German, and that they have not
communicated since December.

Chansiri’s remarks on his management of the team in the fans forum also infuriated a lot of followers.

For his part, Bernard has sympathy with all sides and just wants relations to be mended for the benefit of the club
following a season of progress on the pitch with the Owls in the play-off mix in the Championship.
Sheffield Wednesday defender Di'Shon Bernard. Image: Alex Livesey/Getty Images
Sheffield Wednesday defender Di’Shon Bernard.

Bernard made the following statement prior to Sunday’s derby against Leeds United, the league leaders: “I won’t lie.

If I claimed that we don’t hear about off-field tensions, I would be lying. Of course we do.

Since we are clearly athletes and perform our duties professionally, I wouldn’t say that has an impact on us on the


Navigating it (away from the pitch) is difficult. Since the chairman has done so much for me personally, I really can’t

complain, therefore I won’t bite the hand that feeds me.

“Whatever happens with him and the fans, it’s a tough one to navigate. But I do feel it is quite tense now

It’s strange for me to say this because I felt like things weren’t as stressful when we were last together (for a while). It

ought to be a little happier and more joyous today, in my opinion.

“But I understand how frustrated everyone is. annoyance on the part of the chairman and the supporters. The

chairman is still a person, though.

“I believe it’s something that we must work through together, and hopefully in the future, both sides will be able to

find solutions.”

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