Story About NFL Draft Day Shows Jerry Jones’ Nepotism Is Out Of Control

Story About NFL Draft Day Shows Jerry Jones’ Nepotism Is Out Of Control

Story About NFL Draft Day Shows Jerry Jones’ Nepotism Is Out Of Control

Cowboys director of player personnel Stephen Jones, the grandson of club owner Jerry Jones,

appeared to be unaware of the identity of a significant NFL player given to him in a trade,

according to a Cowboys beat reporter.

Jon Machota of The Athletic revealed a curious interaction between Jones and a member of the Detroit


who purportedly offered Dallas a significant player in a deal.

“I know another Lions thing that I’m not gonna mention specifics about,

but there was a call about the Lions, from the Lions at about this time,

” Machota stated on the About Them Cowboys show.

The Lions called him and offered him someone, and Stephen asked,

‘Who is that?’” And it was a very nice name, and he was like,

‘Who?’” Machota claimed.

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“They explained who he is and he’s like ‘We’ll call you back’ and Stephen just like hangs up the phone

and just sits there and keeps watching the draft, doesn’t even tell anyone that somebody called,

doesn’t even ask Will who he is,” he said.

Story About NFL Draft Day Shows Jerry Jones’ Nepotism Is Out Of Control
Story About NFL Draft Day Shows Jerry Jones’ Nepotism Is Out Of Control

“The guy calls back like five minutes later and it’s like ‘Hey did you think about that?’ and he’s like ‘yeah,

no, bye.”

Unbelievable. I’d be furious if I was a Cowboys fan and heard this.

The level of dysfunction that must exist in order for you to enable your franchise to

be run by a man who has no basic acquaintance with the assets he may be working with.

Jones appears to have had no motivation to learn more about the areas in which he lacked knowledge.

“A, he didn’t even know who the player was and B,

didn’t attempt to look it up and see if it might be worth looking into,” he said.

While Machota never stated who the player in question was,

he alluded to the notion that he could be a Pro-Bowler, saying,

“It was a name that I knew, right. I knew this player, and I knew his value or whatever.

It was just funny to see, like, somebody in that position getting that call and being like ‘Who is that?’”

This demonstrates the Cowboys’ extreme cronyism.

Jones serves as the franchise’s chief operational officer and executive vice president

in addition to being its director of player personnel.

That’s a lot of hats to wear, and he’s spread much too thin

if he’s in a position to make personnel choices while not fully committed to knowing NFL players.

But one would expect nothing less from a franchise whose owner refuses to resign as

general manager despite a 27-year skid of failing to advance beyond the divisional round.


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