Save the Gatehouse for the Community!
A New Future for a Community Pub
Come along on our thrilling journey to save this cherished tavern and turn it into a bustling gathering place for locals and tourists alike.
Why Save the Gatehouse?
The Gatehouse was the centre of the neighbourhood and was always more than just a pub. It functioned as a meeting spot where
people could converse by the cosy fire, enjoy music, and play friendly pool tournaments because of its classic appeal and cosy
Regretfully, the Gatehouse’s future is in jeopardy due to the death of its long-time owner. There is a chance that the building will
become just another corporate chain pub, even though its Grade II listed status prevents it from being demolished or completely
changed (no one needs another Tesco Metro or soulless block of apartments).
We envision something different. We want to preserve the traditional spirit of the Gatehouse while also transforming it into a thriving
community hub. In addition to being a warm and welcoming local pub, the Gatehouse would connect people with the natural
environment, offering access to the beautiful River Wensum and the Sweetbriar Marshes.
The Campaign
Time is running out to save the Gatehouse. Currently listed as an Asset of Community Value, we have a brief window to purchase the
property before it hits the open market. To do this, we need to raise £500,000 in the coming months to secure the purchase price and
bring the pub into community ownership. Once this goal is achieved, we can then move on to funding the essential repairs and
renovations to restore the building.
How You Can Help
To secure the pub and make it truly community-owned, we need to raise £50,000 for the deposit before we launch our full
community share offer. The good news? We’ve already secured some funding and received incredible support from local organisations
– but we’re not there yet!
Your contributions will have a significant impact even if we fall short of our goal! Every penny received through Crowdfunder’s “Keep
What You Raise” option will go directly towards maintaining and reviving the Gatehouse. Your contribution, regardless of the overall
amount, will help the project and guarantee that we can take the necessary actions to realise this vision.
By creating a space that everyone can enjoy and contributing to the preservation of a valued local monument, you will be a part of a
future driven by the community. By working together, we can transform the Gatehouse Pub into a gathering spot for people to
celebrate, connect, and help one another for many years to come.
Help us safeguard the Gatehouse for the community by making a donation today!
Read more news on https://sportupdates.co.uk/
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