Rebels nightclub was a place where friendships were made for life
Few people are aware that Peter Stringfellow played a significant role in the eventual establishment of the
Their King Mojo adolescent club in Burngreave drew celebrities including Tina Turner, Ike, and Jimi Hendix. Some
of their very first recorded performances took place at the venue. Furthermore, Peter Stringfellow had previously
served as a Beatles comperé and a presenter on the renowned Ready Steady Go! television program.His first
establishment with an alcohol licence was the Penthouse, and things didn’t work out.
Peter Stringfellow ended up selling the Penthouse business within months of opening and moved his business
interests to Leeds.
It was, in his eyes, a disaster. Fighting became a consistent problem.Rebels was the brainchild of former Limit
bouncer Steve Baxendale.
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