Leeds United Foundation celebrate World Religion Day
As part of the Leeds United Foundation’s World Religion Day celebrations, Joel Piroe was delighted to visit Elland
Road recently for a unique workshop on allyship.
Delivered by the Premier League Kicks team, the Leeds United forward was invited to participate in an educational
workshop with a group of local youth about being an ally and supporting others, particularly in challenging
circumstances that they or others they know may encounter.
The main aim of the session was for the children to gain a better understanding of some of the key principles of the
most recognised religions in Leeds, but also to find out more about the similarities between various religions rather
than focusing on the differences.

separated into five groups to focus on different circumstances they would encounter in their own life. After that, they
were asked to propose their ideas to Piroe.
LUTV spoke with Joel Piroe during the visit, saying: “It’s great that the children are made aware of different things in
the world, especially how diverse everyone is, and that people have different beliefs and view things differently, and
to see how they learn to co-exist with each other.” It was a great visit. They also discussed what to do in challenging
circumstances, and it was enjoyable.
“I think it’s very important for the players to be a part of the community, we set examples as well for people out here
in the city and they need to know that it’s not just them that we are talking about but it’s all of us, we all have to play
our part and we all have to make sure it is a better place for everyone.”
“Today we’ve had some groups down to celebrate World Religion Day, and a really important aspect was that the
young people not only came away with an understanding of what the key religions are, but most importantly actually
how we can work together and show allyship by supporting people who are different from us and may have come
from a different culture or follow a different religion than us,” said Richard Foye, Senior Project Officer for Kicks and
the club’s official charity’s Race Equalities lead.
“It was fantastic to have Joel Piroe here as a first-team player, he took a real interest in the young people and what
they were learning about. It really helps and supports us as coaches as we are delivering these workshops to know we
have their backing and to help encourage the youngsters.
“Whether in football, society, schools, or workplaces, they are all made up of a fantastic blend of different cultures,
and it’s really important for young people to understand that this isn’t something that is going to change, and that it’s
something that should be embraced and celebrated,” I hope the main lesson from today’s session is allyship and
supporting one another. These young kids will hopefully continue to be incredibly kind and friendly to anyone
joining or participating in our Kicks sessions if they have a little more understanding.
During the special class at Elland Road, the group discussed and studied about a number of religions, including
Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism.
World Religion Day, which is observed on the third Sunday in January each year, was observed on Sunday, January
19, 2025. Its purpose is to encourage people to learn about various religions and their beliefs while also fostering
understanding and peace among all religions. To learn more, please click this link.
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