BBC Scotland presenter rips into Southgate knighthood live on air
The decision to give Gareth Southgate a knighthood has been mocked by BBC host Tam Cowan, who has pointed out
notable Scottish football players who were passed over for the top UK honour.
The former England manager led his country to two Euro finals and a World Cup semi-final, giving him the best
record with England since Sir Alf Ramsey.
Cowan noted that although Southgate has outperformed his recent predecessors, he has exactly the same number of
trophies as Motherwell’s current manager.
And the long-time newspaper columnist seemed particularly vexed with the award in the context of big Scottish
football names who have been ignored.
Even though he was the first person to win the European Cup with a British side, Jock Stein only received a CBE for
his services to football, which is the second level of honour below knighthood. John Greig, the “greatest ever
Ranger,” also received the same honour.
On the BBC program Off The Ball, Cowan stated: “Sir Gareth Southgate received a gong, just like Alan Hanson and
Davie Moyes did. who has as many tournament victories as Stuart Kettlewell, the manager of Motherwell. Nothing
has been won by him.
“Who are the concerning Scottish football commissions? Jock Stein, sir? No. John Greig, sir? No. Willie Miller, sir?
No. It’s amazing.”
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