Bleed kits to be installed across Oxford to tackle knife crime

The council has worked with a writer and actor to put bleed kits throughout Oxford.

Oxford City Council has collaborated with a theatrical group to install the kits, which can be used to prevent serious blood loss in an

emergency before paramedics arrive.

The idea comes after the council’s Knife Crime Summit on Monday, September 2, where addressing knife crime and serious violence was

designated as a priority.

The council was already working with Thames Valley Police to install kits throughout Oxford, but the idea received a boost when writer

and performer Claire Nelson became involved.

Nelson, who gave a solo performance about the impact of knife crime on parents as part of the Offbeat Festival on Wednesday, September

11, hoped to gather funds to put bleed kits throughout the city.

The council has now partnered with Nelson to place at least five bleed kits in communal locations throughout the city.

Nelson remarked, “I was motivated to write this by a personal event.

“This has made writing and developing the play a really personal experience for me.

“Knife crime is an issue that confronts so many families, destroys lives and changes lives forever.”

Bleed kits contain medical items, such as tourniquets and gauze, to control bleeding and stabilize an injured person until professional

medical assistance comes.

Similarly to defibrillators, bleed kits are kept in secure cabinets on the outside of buildings.

During an emergency, emergency call handlers grant access to the cabinets via key code.

There are currently no public bleeding kits in Oxford.

The location of the bleed kits has yet to be determined, but they will most likely be in community or recreational centers.

Councillor Lubna Arshad, a cabinet member for a safer Oxford, stated, “I pray these bleed kits are never utilized, but I also know they

might potentially save lives.

“Oxford is a city where safety is paramount, and we are dedicated to making it safer every day.

“While knife crime is uncommon here, we recognize that even one occurrence is too many.

“These bleeding kits are part of a bigger initiative to ensure that our communities are prepared in the unlikely event of an emergency.

“These projects always work best when the council, police and community work together, so we’re delighted to be working with Claire and

Samuel, and really pleased that their efforts could see bleed kits installed across the city.”

Visit the Crowdfunder page to help support the installation of bleed kits throughout the city.

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