The photographs show players posing in front of a green Champions League backdrop. The Bhoys are wearing the official Champions League tops, which have the match and Foundation logos on the arm.
Fans have expressed interest in a snapshot of Reo Hatate pointing to his name and number on the back of his Celtic shirt. However, it is not simply the gesture that stands out; it is also the design of the back of Celtic’s Champions League shirts.
Domestically, this year’s Celtic shirt has an unusual configuration in which the players’ names are printed in black letters right on top of the green hoops, rather than the traditional bold white outline. This design choice has elicited mixed comments, as it can make the names difficult to read, particularly from a distance.
Celtic have previously had to wear a white patch covering the majority of the back of the shirt to guarantee the names and numbers are plainly visible to match officials in order to comply with UEFA standards.
Hatate’s image has now confirmed that the squad will be granted unique jerseys for the Champions League, with a solid white background instead of the characteristic hoops on the back. This change ensures that the names and numbers are clearly obvious, meeting the tough UEFA rules for kit visibility. The new font and colour design for the Champions League nights will undoubtedly stand out.
As Celtic prepare to face stiff competition, including Borussia Dortmund, RB Leipzig, and last season’s Europa League champions Atalanta, the hope is that their performances will improve.
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