Celtic’s greatest ever player Jimmy Johnstone sadly passed away 18 years ago on March 13 but is still fondly remembered

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Jimmy Johnstone, the best player in Celtic history, regrettably passed away on March 13, 18 years ago, yet he is still remembered with love.

Celtic’s greatest ever player Jimmy Johnstone sadly passed away 18 years ago on March 13 but is still fondly remembered. For a great many Celtic fans, Jinky will always be associated with the team’s most memorable game during the 1967 European Cup final in Lisbon. He was also selected “The Club’s Greatest Ever Player” in 2002. Few players subsequently have been able to equal the rapport he established with the support.

The idea of the “Celtic way” of playing football is often discussed, and Jinky perfectly embodied it with his skill and ability to entertain. In addition, he shown incredible bravery and courage in the face of some formidable opponents throughout his career. His battle against motor neurone disease demonstrated these traits, and it served as an example and source of motivation for everyone.

The winger had an incredible career with Celtic, spending 1963–1975 as a member of the team and scored 130 goals. Johnstone was the winner of four Scottish Cups, five League Cups, nine Scottish League Championships, and one European Cup. His statue is located in front of Celtic Park beside Brother Walfrid and Jock Stein, demonstrating his continued importance to the team.

Even though Johnstone only received 23 Scotland caps, he was inducted into the Scottish and Hampden Hall of Fame in 2004 and included in Scotland’s finest ever team in 2010 together with Kenny Dalglish and Denis Law.Even though it has been eighteen years, Jinky still motivates youth through the Jimmy Johnstone Academy, which was founded in 2009. Since then, players from over twenty different countries have participated in the academy honoring his legacy, including sixteen individuals who have gone on to play professional football.
Even though it has been eighteen years, Jinky still motivates youth through the Jimmy Johnstone Academy, which was founded in 2009. Since then, players from over twenty different countries have participated in the academy honoring his legacy, including sixteen individuals who have gone on to play professional football.

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