“I gave it my all”… A former Everton footballer says he wishes he had spent more time at Goodison Park.

“I gave it my all”… A former Everton footballer says he wishes he had spent more time at Goodison Park.

What Don Hutchinson said about Everton?

It’s remarkable how popular he is still in the Goodison Park area since he’s one of the few players to have played on both sides of Stanley Park. That is mostly due to his unwavering mindset throughout games; he was a technically sound midfield player who never backpedaled.

He was signed by Howard Kendall during his second managerial tenure, and under Walter Smith, he would subsequently struggle to get playing time until an injury allowed him to return to the squad. Throughout their survival run, he would prove crucial, and when Dave Watson wasn’t available, he would take over as captain.

He developed such a strong bond with the Toffees that a supporter recently advised him to have stayed at Everton longer. “I tried my best mate/bloody loved walking out at Goodison with the arm band on,” was his simple response. I would give anything to get back to those days, #SIREN!

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