Philippe Clement talks injuries, transfers, contracts and Cup hopes in Dumbarton Q&A

Every word as Philippe Clement builds transfer buzz in Dumbarton Scottish Cup preview.

Philippe Clement has been talking to a press conference as Rangers prepare to face off against Dumbarton in the Scottish Cup.

In the first half of the season, the Gers have already overcome a 13-year drought by winning the League Cup, and the Ibrox club now has its sights set on the Scottish Cup.

Fans are starting to get excited about Rangers this season as they take on League Two opponents, and the team will be expected to perform. This season, the Rangers will be competing on three more fronts.

Here is what manager Philippe Clement said during a press conference prior to the journey to Dumbarton.

Philippe Clement press conference Dumbarton v Rangers (Scottish Cup)

Philippe I know you’ll be getting sick of being asked questions about the transfer window every time we speak but…

“So we’re not going to speak about that. That’s really nice of you! I love it, I love it!”

We need to do the dance, we need to do the dance! You spoke in midweek quite a lot about some of the challenges, you spoke about the issues at left-back as well, there’s a suggestion out of Turkey today that Ridvan (Yilmaz) has been told he needs to play regularly to make the Euros squad and he may have come to you to ask to move to do that. Can you talk us through your discussions with Ridvan and what his situation is?

“No, that hasn’t been discussed. We had our private conversation, just like with every player at training camp. I must admit, with all the players, it was really interesting. I informed them that it was the most honest and transparent conversation I had had with the team so far.

About everything—about them, about their strengths, about the past several months, about the club, about the future, and about areas around them and with them that we can better. Thus, it was excellent, and Ridvan’s performance thereafter indicated that the conversation had been fruitful. So let’s wait and see. I am aware of the January transfer market; it is usually unique, and we will make sure you are ready for everything.

In midweek you said you needed players who were committed; do you get a sense that he is committed?

“Yeah, clearly. OK you don’t know me that long maybe but if he was not committed he would never have played against Hertha or against Copenhagen, clearly. So no he’s committed to the club and what he has to do here, everything, training. Otherwise they will never come on the pitch.”

How difficult is it to manage players in this transfer window when things can change quickly? Maybe they have got other things in play, for example a summer tournament, all these things are swirling around.

“It’s part of our job. It’s not the most pleasant period. I had moments in the past also that your best player for example wants to leave in January because he gets an offer that he cannot refuse. So you have a lot of talks with them, with their agents, with their wives, with their family, with everybody, to keep them in the club.

That’s not been the case until now here. So no it’s always a challenging period and I’m always happy when it’s the 1st of February that there’s a clear plan, that there’s a clear squad, because there is always a lot of rumour, noise. You get a lot of questions about that although you cannot say much because it’s about sometimes, most of the time the moment itself to decide yes or no. So we will see, I know what the situation is.

Until now I don’t have from any player here that they are jumping to leave the building. I feel that everybody is really involved in the club and in what’s going on here. That’s already a positive thing, I had already other experiences in that way, but it doesn’t mean that tomorrow that can start. I know, I have been now more than 30 years in this world so I know how fast things can go. But I will select players who are committed to the club.”

In terms of incomings Philippe, have you progressed with that at all? Have you got a number of how many players you want to come in before the end of the window?

“Same answer as the last ten times. Yes we have a number, yes we are aligned about that in the club. Did we progress? Probably yes because there have been longer talks, more talks. Does it mean that we’re at the end of the road? No, because there is nobody who signs yet otherwise you would be the first to know. That I can promise. Not personally but we will announce it directly.”

I have got to ask you about a player the club have been linked with; Aberdeen midfielder Connor Barron. Is he a player you’re interested in? Is he someone that Rangers are interested in?

“No, really, with all respect towards you guys. I am not going to discuss every player that there is rumours about. I have read the most crazy things the last couple of weeks already so we’re not going to go in that game because otherwise I will not have a life anymore. And it’s not respectful also towards to players that you’re not interested in, or teams who have players you’re not interested in, so I never go into rumours about any player. I will speak about players when they’re in the building.”

Just in terms of players that are here, how are we looking injury-wise for the weekend? Obviously you’ve had some mid-season friendlies, everyone recovered ok? Anyone closer to recovery?

“No not ok. So Kieran Dowell get injured in training camp so he will be out for a while. Kemar (Roofe) is still injured. Dani will be injured probably until the last weeks of the season, so we don’t expect him much faster back. Ben Davies is the one who is closest to coming back. All the rest have trained.”

Just with Dowell, what is the injury specifically?

“It’s his ankle. So we need to see what is the best way to treat it that he can come back and in the fastest, healthy way.”

Philippe you said there things have progressed with regard to potential recruitment. Is that for one target or are you talking more than one target?

“Good question, I almost got caught there. No, we will see if it’s one or more. We have our plan altogether and for me the most important thing in this period I feel that everybody is aligned, that the club really wants to make effort to do things inside of the budget. And we are not the most wealthy club in the world. So we want to get transfers in that can have impact now but also can have added value for the next couple of years on the field and selling them for bigger amounts.

Because if you look back the last couple of years this is also one thing that the club has missed. They didn’t have big outgoing transfers and because of that getting money to do other things. So we need to get better in that. That’s also one of the targets. It’s strange as a manager to talk about that but I know what the story is and I want to help in that way so that the club can grow in every sense.”

You’ve signed (Fabio) Silva on loan, so are you suggesting there that the deals that you do or any deals that you do this month will be permanent ones?

“No I don’t suggest anything.”

Just in terms of what you’re saying in terms of players having a good sell-on value when they leave the club.

“Yeah but we will see what the situation is. I would’ve preferred to buy Fabio but he was too expensive for the club so that’s why it’s a loan now.”

On that transfer model does that mean you need to look at – what’s the word I’m looking for – not project players but less experienced players that you can develop and then sell?

“No but it’s not only about that it’s getting a good balance in everything in your squad. You need to have experienced players who have experience, who can guide the story, together with me of course, that are aligned about that. So you need that, you need a good balance.

But you need to also have to have young prospects that you can let them grow in one moment that they can grow to a higher level than Glasgow Rangers. That needs to be the objective. And you need a good balance in the way you work and you need to have players that are in contract in your club. So like this season to have five players out of contract, it’s a crazy situation because you throw away money.

Upon termination of the contract, there is no further value. Therefore, there is a lot of work to be done in that regard. Every member of the club is working really hard in this regard to have a clear idea of how to raise money for the team by growing the players while also producing outcomes and winning trophies.

It is based on a combination of factors rather than just one. And that you avoid getting into a position where valuable players have their contracts expire and are free to walk. It is an unimaginable scenario in a well-run club.

With those players that are out of contract Philippe when will you sit down with them and when will you discuss their longer-term futures? Is that for further down the road?

It varies based on each individual and how they have performed over the past few months. It’s not only with me either. I’m the man from the athletic side; I’m not the rich person. Luckily, I don’t have that much money, because otherwise I would quickly become impoverished.

That’s the nice thing about the club, so I’ll share my view on that as always. It is quite clear. Everyone is participating in this conversation collectively. It’s not a political club where certain people speak in one way and others in another. So, everyone is in complete agreement. That does not imply that you concur every time. You talk about things, but that’s how things should be.

Have you made any contract offers to any of those players yet?

“That’s personal between the club – and it’s not me again, it’s the club – it’s between the club and the players those things.”

Philippe you mentioned Danilo there has his recovery taken longer?

“No, no it was a really severe injury. No, it’s normal. It’s a normal problem.”

Philippe in terms of the weekend then, how much are you looking forward to getting your Scottish Cup journey started and also going away to a ground that you might not play in every week, just one stand, a League Two side, you looking forward to that, looking forward to taking your team there?

“I’m looking forward to games. Games who are important, though these friendly games are for me also important, but we need to look at that moment to get as many minutes as possible for everybody to prepare the second round of our season. So, it’s a different way. It’s an important game and you can only make maximum five changes so different rules.”

What do you expect from Dumbarton? League Two opposition, harder to perhaps see footage of.

“No, don’t worry about that; we’ve seen enough film. The pitch is terrible, really, really terrible. That’s just the way things are. I also said that previously. I want no excuses from my players after just one game.

I mentioned at that same time that we would play in the parking lot if necessary. Do those circumstances make sense for football? Perhaps not, but the rules are not being made by us. As a result, as we play the game, we try our hardest to improve it in every way. Will the football lose quality if the pitch is poor?

Indeed. We’ve seen that the surface makes a significant difference in the caliber of football played by Hertha and Copenhagen, therefore we must adjust our strategies accordingly. However, I think the team is eager to compete again and is prepared. They have been putting in a lot of effort throughout training camp. After that, they were extremely exhausted, which was beneficial, but I can see everyone is eager for the second half of the season and that freshness is returning.



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