Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays

Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays
Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays

Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays

Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays

Regarding Jesse Minter’s potential to stay at Michigan in the event that Jim Harbaugh leaves for the

NFL, I’ve received a number of inquiries. Conversations with multiple program sources have led me to

believe that the program’s chances of keeping Minter in Ann Arbor, even with a pay hike, are somewhere

between slim and none. This is in contrast to my initial suggestion on The Monday Morning Quarterback

that the program might have a legitimate chance of keeping him if it made a strong push to make him

the highest paid coordinator in the nation.

Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays
Webblog: Michigan will have a hard time holding on to Jesse Minter even if Harbaugh stays

There wasn’t a single source I spoke to who expects Minter back at Michigan next year. And the

consensus among them also was he’s still far from a lock to return if Harbaugh does. About the only

“lock” they see is that Harbaugh will ask Minter to be his defensive coordinator with whatever pro team

goes to should he get one of those jobs. Simply put, Minter is in heavy demand in the pros. Heavy! And

that’s because the prevalent sentiment among coaches I talk to is that Minter is elite.

Tennnessee judge ends conservatorship agreement between Michael Oher and the Tuohy family

According to the Associated Press, Tennessee judge Kathleen Gomes decided on Wednesday to

terminate Michael Oher’s conservatorship agreement with Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy.

Oher and the Tuohy family got into a public altercation about the conservatorship. Additionally, the

judge declared that Oher’s claim against the Tuohys would not be dismissed. The main character of The

Blind Side, Oher, said in August that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy decided against adoption in order to

take advantage of their football star’s notoriety for themselves.

“According to the suit, the Tuohys did not adopt Oher in 2004, rather they instead entered him into a

conservatorship and impressed upon him that it was the same process as adoption,” CBS Sports

reports. “Under a conservatorship, the Tuohys were able to enter into deals legally without Oher’s

consent. The conservatorship also allowed the Tuohys to take ownership of Oher’s finances even though

he was not a legal member of the family.

According to TMZ Sports, the Tuohy family claims that Oher threatened to make them public after

asking for a $15 million cheque. The conservatorship in question, they continued, was set up to aid the

former offensive tackle in getting recruited by Ole Miss and other elite schools.

Oher filed documents claiming he was never adopted, which exposed his accusations against the Tuohy 


He claims that the Tuoys conned him into signing form designating them as his conservators not long 

after he turned eighteen in 2004.

Consequently, he unintentionally gives them the authority to transact business on his behalf.

Read more on http://sportsupdates.co.uk

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