Can Saints complete comeback and make playoffs? Larry Holder answers on Dattitude, Ep.202
In 2024, Jim Derry pledges to be more upbeat. When the New Orleans Saints host the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday in a game
that might see the winner named the NFC South champion, they will undoubtedly put their New Year’s resolution to the test.
That may seem a little unrealistic, though, given that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would also need to lose to the Carolina
Panthers on Sunday at Charlotte. But remember, the theme of this concert is optimism. Or, until we disclose our forecasts, be advised that there are spoilers in this.
In addition to discussing the Saints’ chances on Sunday, Larry Holder of The Athletic returns for his usual Friday segment on
the Dattitude Podcast (episode 202). He also discusses the other three divisions that are up for grabs, which are the NFC East, AFC East, and South.
Simply press play on the SoundCloud player above to listen to the complete episode. Don’t forget to subscribe to Dattitude on
all the major podcast hosting services, such as Apple, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, and others.
You can watch any of the previous episodes on any of these platforms, featuring former NFL Hall of Famer Roger Jackson (Ep.
57), ESPN anchor Stan Verrett (Ep. 1), former LSU coach Dale Brown (Ep. 45), former Football Hall of Fame president David
Baker (Ep. 15), Saints general manager Mickey Loomis (Ep. 79), and former coach Jim Mora (Ep. 83).
Additionally, you may join Jim and Larry for the live broadcast of the show every Friday at 10 a.m. on the Facebook page of, the website, and the new YouTube channel of, where you can post comments or ask
questions that will be read aloud.
During football season, the Dattitude Podcast, which is always free to subscribe to and listen to, is webcast every Monday
(a recap of the previous Sunday’s game) and Friday (a preview of the upcoming game and weekend choices).
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